
About Us

Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment.... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment.

Who We Are

Kingdom Way Schools (KWS) is founded on a deep conviction and direction of God to mould the destinies of the next generation. The school is aimed at bridging the gap between character and academic excellence. Character is a thing of the spirit, theat is why at KWS, we do not only pay attention to cognitive prowess of our pupils and students, we also train them to develop their character. The motto for the Primary School is "Raising a Total Child" while the College has "Redeeming the Time" as her motto. This implies that when the child is total (i.e) developed in spirit, soul and body, such a child will possess sound character to positively impact his/her world with excellence in academics and every other area of human endeavor.

Our Primary School consist of Creche, Pre-Primary and Basic 1-5. Our School environment is serene to aid learning, Qualified and Experienced Teachers who have the fear of God train our children.
Kingdom Way College consists of the Junior Secondary School (JSS 1-3) and the Senior Secondary School (SSS 1-3). Admission into the college is by writing an entrance examination and meeting the requirements of the School, after which an oral interview is done. Successful candidates are offered provisional admission.
To ensure excellent academic performance, we have external revalidation examinations called Pathfinders and Kingdom Way Stars Competitions. We have always recoreded 100% pass rate in our WASSCE, NECO and JAMB examinations.

A serene environment for effective classroom learning | Well-seasoned teachers | Computer facilities for Computer Education | Phonics Studies | Language Studies (Yoruba & French) | Comfortable Classroom Furniture | Playground with play gadgets | Instructional aids to boost learning.

School Anthem

1. Kingdom Way College, is a model school
it's a place to be, for all round success.

Chorus: It's a Kingdom Land, Where morals etiquette
are passed on to the student, with the fear of God.

2. Kingdom way college, it's the preffered school
Building up students, for great and bright future

3. Kingdom way college, we are marching on
To great and lofty heights, around this global world

School Pledge

I pledge to kingdow way college,
A place where future leaders are made
And where highflyer will never fade,
Kingdom way college you'll long remain in my mind
For in thee these virtues i do find
Morals, etiquette and the fear of God
So help me God. Amen.

Our Mission

Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that provides high quality education and child care in a conducive and all-inclusive environment by building the best foundation for life-long learning

Our Vision

To be a foremost Christian School that equips pupils and students with highest standard of academic knowlegde and deep Christian virtues.

Core Values

Godliness | Excellence | Possibility Mindset | Integrity | Fairness


We always create memories for our Students to Remember.

June 15th, 2022

Kingdom Way School (Teachers) display Excellence English, Smart History and many more from Cambridge University Press and Assessment.

March 03, 2022

Winner of the 1st Biennial Inter-House Sports Competition

March 15, 2022

Meet Our Pathfinders