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Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment.... Kingdom Way Schools is a Christian school that offers sound education at primary and secondary levels in a serene environment.

Kingdom Way School (Teachers) display Excellence English, Smart History and many more from Cambridge University Press and Assessment.

Winner of the 1st Biennial Inter-House Sports Competition.

Our Pathfinders with the Proprietor and Principal.

L-R: Proprietor, Principal Redeemer High School, ACSI Ogun State Director, ACSI West Africa.

Blue House during march past.

Proprietor with Red House.

Proprietor with Yellow House.

Student writing examination.

School Field.